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Entrepreneurs - Early bird and Entrepreneurs
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An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1Views: 3680
Jul 21, 2007 2:12 pmAn Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Hi Scott A and ALL,
I looked thru Scott Allen's column and came across a link to a really great Entreperneur that did a few tiny things:

This dude is one great innovative Entrepreneur!

Who inspires you into why YOU are feeling more and more like an entrepreneur?????

Kindest regards,

Technically Ryze is a business networking TOOL. A very good BNT.
(Biz networking tool) Ever remove a fly off someones forehead w/an ax?
But if you dont know how to use a tool, you could get unpleasing result.
Extreme, but very good analogy when someone uses harsh words in email.

Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Jul 21, 2007 3:01 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Scott Allen
How about 6?

Richard Branson

Tim Ferriss

John Assaraf

Hugh Hefner

Anita Roddick

Oprah Winfrey

Those are my faves.

Scott Allen
Learn how to get FREE online networking coaching from me

Private Reply to Scott Allen

Jul 21, 2007 3:57 pmOne more you might not expect (re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1)#

Scott Allen
And here's one more that you might expect - this is really a great story with a lot of lessons for entrepreneurs:

Jenna Jameson's Transformation from Porn Princess to Media Mogul

Scott Allen
Learn how to get FREE online networking coaching from me

Private Reply to Scott Allen

Jul 21, 2007 4:21 pmre: One more you might not expect (re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1)#

Scott Wolpow
She did it inch by inch, lick by lick.

Scott Wolpow
http://www.myfilm.com a site for filmmakers
http://www.discountjewelry.com Use Promo ryze to save even more

Private Reply to Scott Wolpow

Jul 21, 2007 6:05 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Kathleen Smart
Here a just a few-Mostly Georgia Residents! Their stories are inspirational and what I feel are tremendous examples of people with vision and resilience!

Laura Moore-Dream House for Kids-ABC News Person of the Year

Ron Clark-TNT Movie-Disney Teacher of the Year

Sara Blakely -Spanx -American Inventor Judge

Sir Richard Branson

Cheers-Kathleen President,CEO SmarterIdeas Inc. Principal, International Business Academies Limited Your Success is About to Change Forever!

Living Life by Design not Default
Connect Grow Profit Here

Private Reply to Kathleen Smart

Jul 21, 2007 6:16 pmre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Scott Wolpow
Lucille Ball & Desi Arnez-
Without them we would not have:
> Repeats
> Three Camera shows
> Star Trek
> Twilight Zone - The "pilot was called -Time Element with Martin Balsama nd Jessie White"
> Sequel Sitcoms
> Loosy I'm Home:)

Scott Wolpow
http://www.myfilm.com a site for filmmakers
http://www.discountjewelry.com Use Promo ryze to save even more

Private Reply to Scott Wolpow

Jul 21, 2007 6:39 pmre: re: One more you might not expect (re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1)#

Scott Allen
LOL, Scott!

Yeah, go ahead and laugh. But that woman has:
- Built one of the strongest personal brands in the worlds
- Changed the entire business model of an industry
- Mastered product distribution channels
- Diversified her business's offerings while remaining true to the brand
- Produced enough content in advance to keep releasing new products the rest of her life without ever working again. That would be like me having my next 10 books already written.

Whatever you may think of her industry, the woman is a business genius.

- Scott -

Private Reply to Scott Allen

Jul 21, 2007 6:58 pmre: re: re: One more you might not expect (re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1)#

Scott Wolpow
Oh I agree. I met her when she was just a fluffer, hoping to get a supporting role.

Scott Wolpow
http://www.myfilm.com a site for filmmakers
http://www.discountjewelry.com Use Promo ryze to save even more

Private Reply to Scott Wolpow

Jul 21, 2007 9:42 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Robert Hill-Bey
Ray Kroc,

Private Reply to Robert Hill-Bey

Jul 22, 2007 1:23 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Mark Nehs
Colonel Sanders.

Started making money on his KFC Chicken as he was collecting his first Social Security check.

Just joined this network and I think I'm gonna like it here.

All the best,

Mark Nehs

Private Reply to Mark Nehs

Jul 22, 2007 7:26 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Steven Walle
What a great topic! The Entrepreneurs that inspire me the most are as follows:
Tim Darnell
Jack Weinzierl
Eric Standlee
Curt and Angy Green
Dawn Hills
God Bless You All.

In His Grip
Steven Walle

Private Reply to Steven Walle

Jul 24, 2007 7:09 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Karan Kapoor
My Mother !!

Private Reply to Karan Kapoor

Jul 24, 2007 7:37 amre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

mohammed asif
NarayanMurthy of INFOSYS....(www.infosys.com)

Private Reply to mohammed asif

Jul 24, 2007 1:31 pm An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Heidi Richards
I am inspired by everyday entrepreneurs - the ones who don't make the headlines, who don't have multi-million dollar companies, and yet have so much.

They have a solid business foundation
They have a great team working with them
They have vision
They have perserverance
They have optimism

They are People like:

My first mentor Jim Grant - who saw something in me before I did - he has one of the most successful printing companies in South Florida and knows when to say yes, and when to say no.

Diane Hatcher - a professional organizer, author, speaker and more - who got a specialized designation to make her stand out in a sea of other Professional Organizers

Dr. Tina Dupree, The "Chicken" Lady - who worked for Churches Chicken as National Trainer and then went on to start her own training and consulting company and impact hundreds of thousands of people with her smile, her spirit, her intellect and her experience.

Dr. David Popper - who learned to change when the community his business is in changed - instead of closing down he found a way to cater to a new clientelle.

I could go on, but you get the idea... I also greatly admired Dave Thomas - founder of Wendy's - he started a youth entrepreneurship program in South Florida and I was one of the first mentors to sign up - it was an enriching experience to be a mentor to tomorrow's business leaders and more importantly to learn from one of the best, most down to earth business people in the country.

Wishing everyone a great day... and then some.


Heidi Richards, Leader "HER Mastermind Network"
Ryze members get $20 OFF Women’s Writing & Publishing Virtual Summit
July 19-21 & 25, http://wecai.org/wwps/html/registration-ryze.html

Private Reply to Heidi Richards

Jul 24, 2007 3:00 pmre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Heidi Caswell
Paul Orfalea

and everyone who has the guts to go out and do something instead of just talking about it, learning from others along the way.

Heidi Caswell

Private Reply to Heidi Caswell

Jul 24, 2007 8:52 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Tina Brooks
Who inspires me?

I hesitate to post this, but I wonder why no one else did.

I inspire me. Without me, there is no inspiration. I say this because not everything about the people from whom I get my inspiration is ideal, with the sole exception, perhaps, of the Dalai Lama, that is.

MY own inspiration has been influenced by many; not necessarily in this order:

Helen Keller
Adrienne Arsenault
Winnie the Pooh
Jesus Christ
HH Dalai Lama
Donald Trump
Dr. Kevorkian
Gregg Rowe
I have to agree with Scott A on Jenna Jameson, and Richard Branson; very impressive folks, both.
My Dad
My brother
My husband
My kids

Heck... lobster inspires me. :)

Geez... don't ask me about my muse!


Private Reply to Tina Brooks

Jul 30, 2007 2:19 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#


How about Steve Jobs

Private Reply to Aditya

Jul 30, 2007 5:29 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Randy Grover
Chuck Roberts.


Randy Grover

Private Reply to Randy Grover

Aug 01, 2007 9:39 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Tina Brooks
What is it about the Pooh?

Well, for one he is adored by everyone. Nobody dislikes him. He may not be everyone's favourite Character, but there is no room for disliking him.

I have a miniature Winnie the Pooh charm dangling from my cell phone.

It is not really Pooh that is the inspiration, it is more the philosophy of Pooh. When I was a very little girl, Pooh was my friend. (I know, I'm old, get past it.) Anyway, I had this vinyl record that I would listen to over and over again that inspired me then. It very often got me through the difficult times that children with AS have to go through.

Then when I grew up, I discovered a book by Benjamin Hoff called The Tao of Pooh... It relates Taoism to Winnie the Pooh and simplifies it in a very western way... It just made sense to me.

P'U is actually known as the Uncarved Block and one of the basic tenets of Taoism. The idea of it is that things at their base simplicity contain their natural power and when that simplicity changes, their power is spoiled or lost. Winnie the Pooh is the living epitome of P'U. He, Pooh that is, is simplicity itself. He has an unspoiled childlike innocence, knows that live is fun! He has the ability to do things spontaneously with no fear that they won't work out from lack of planning and because he is both Pooh and P'U, they work out even though they might not seem to work in the usual way. AA Milne describes him as "a bear of very little brain" and the idea of P'U is that one doesn't need one so much as they want to think they do.

My favourite quote from Pooh is the following:

"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh. "Not that many listen though. That's the problem."

I guess what strikes me most is that in the simplicity of it all life is effortless.

So... Pooh and P'U, in the Winnie the Pooh sort of way inspires me.

The cuddly charm, well, I like to think that I suffer from cuddly charm, when I'm not being caustic that is, so I use my cuddly charm to hide my causticness... I hope it works. :)

As for my muse? how much time have you got? To give you the Pooh answer... Jim Morrison called his muse (and mine) "The Lords".

Let me know if you need that explained.


Private Reply to Tina Brooks

Aug 01, 2007 10:30 pmre: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

D Kai Wilson
Sounds silly, but I really look up to and admire Scott Allen :)

He's down to earth, and he's often given me a better perspective on what to change to go from fringes to 'smacking it out of the ballpark' as it were.

Down to earth, and often funny when writing I enjoy most of the things he writes, not just perspective wise, but because he engages my attention.


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Private Reply to D Kai Wilson

Aug 03, 2007 4:13 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Teddy Towncrier

Hi Folks!

My day to day inspiration is Bert Hadfield a UK hog farmer who lost his herds to disease several times. (Pre insurance days).

When the roof fell in, he tilted his cap back and calmly said "Looks like we have some work ahead, Ted". and proceeded to rebuild the castle. (Note the "we" rather that issuing orders).

Reflecting on his attitude has pulled my train out of the ditch, many times and got me safely home.

He also taught me that when making a purchase; It's best to conserve assets and stretch a bit more and do an extra deal that not only that provides the funds but also, leaves me with extra money in my pocket when the dust has settled.

Works for me.


P.S. I'm still praying for guidance for our world's leaders. Please join me.

Private Reply to Teddy Towncrier

Aug 03, 2007 5:43 pmre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Kevin Barrett
Entrepreneurship…. and Entrepreneurs…. A topic, very close to my heart…

Paul has asked for us to name One…. Well I can name one but I must also name another….

The first is Dr. W. Edwards Deming….. who I consider to be the “Father of Entrepreneurship”….

The second is Peter Drucker…. Who I consider to be the one that made the term “Commonplace” (or another way of looking at it, he helped commercialize the Concept)

Both men have passed but their legacy is living on…. Today…. Now…

The concepts and ideas generated by them have instilled into the people that have been mentioned above as Entrepreneurs… They have instilled into all of us the “Spirit of Entrepreneurship”…. Although most of the people above would not even know the teachings and ideas of these two great men….

I guess that’s where true change takes place… when idea’s and concepts are so profound that they become instilled and anchored into our sub-consciousness… they then have a dramatic effect on our actions…. (Unconscious Competence)…

Without Deming, Japan would never have been able to make the progress they have made…. Deming was many things… one of the leading minds of the last Century… but above all he was a Humanitarian… For an excellent read on his life and ideas… this book is great…. Mary Walton was able to meet often with Dr. Deming before he passed in 1993.

Walton, Mary (1986). The Deming Management Method. The Putnam Publishing Group

“Deming returned to Japan in the 60’s after many unsuccessful attempts to have American Businesses listen to his concepts. The Japanese embraced these concepts.”

When I was with 3M, we contracted Dr. Juran as a consultant on quality and I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Dr. Deming, almost one on one… that encounter had a profound effect on me…. I then went to RIT to enroll in their Masters Program for Statistic’s….

Some of his comments from that time….

“Nature abhors a void (vacuum), so find a void… and fill it… fill it with something of value and quality, so if is going to be filled anyway, let us choose to fill it with quality things” that has evolved to the Entrepreneurs Credo “Find a niche and fill it”.

Other Quotes:

"There is no substitute for knowledge."

"The most important things cannot be measured."

"Experience by itself teaches nothing."

"I think that people here expect miracles. American management thinks that they can just copy from Japan—but they don't know what to copy!" We maybe to proud to learn from something outside of our borders…

Peter Drucker coined the phrase “Knowledge worker” or “Knowledge Society”, his book “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”

He helped to popularize the concept…. Through the use of statistics and knowledge…. To CREATE….. new concepts and ideas….

I believe we have now moved from the Knowledge Society into the “Creation Society”… and all of us that consider ourselves “Entrepreneurs” are really “Creatrepreneurs”…. Not only are we finding and filling “Niches” but we are now filling “Niches” from a higher perspective… we are considering the impact of those “Niches” on the greater “Whole” or is it “Hole” (Void)… :- ) Why! Creatrepreneur… because we are now able to cross global boundaries.. network… socially and business wise… around the globe.. it now takes added skill sets that just being an Entrepreneur…

Peter Drucker’s thought processes at the time, where helpful for 3M to put a name to what we were doing, which was later commercialized by Tom Peters and Ken Waterman in their book… “In Search of Excellence”…

Sorry, for the long posting but this is indeed something that I am passionate about, I could go on and on… Maybe going back and reading up on the influence of these to Great, early Entrepreneurs… can only fuel our passion, for our profession…. And help us take it to the next level

Happy Creating!!!!!


Private Reply to Kevin Barrett

Aug 03, 2007 6:52 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Randy Grover
One man who inspired me towards the direction I went in Business.

Mr. Charles Sirois.






P.S. I know I mentioned someone before but it is just one at a time =]


Private Reply to Randy Grover

Aug 06, 2007 12:17 amre: re: re: Big idea/An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Daryl Snyder
Adrian Scott.........

Daryl Snyder
Executive Vice President and Co-Founder Ojeez
The next generation Web 2.0 Social Business Networking Community

Private Reply to Daryl Snyder

Aug 24, 2007 3:44 pmre: re: Big idea/An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Michael Miller
I admire Rush Limbaugh for his accomplishments. Radio was his passion as a young man and now he has the most listened to radio talk show in America.

Private Reply to Michael Miller

Sep 12, 2007 4:56 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Doug Woodall
Jim Daneils really helped me get my online business going.
I knew alot about online security and web design, but nothing about marketing.
I researched for 3 months and decided to contact him and I bought his book.
Ive never looked back.
And he's a really nice guy who will take time to answer your email.

Private Reply to Doug Woodall

Sep 12, 2007 7:09 pmre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Craig Jennings
Inspiration - It's something we need regularly. and don't get often enough.

I'm giving away a CD with 99 Inspirational Quotations on it: My favorite is from Anais Nin - "we see the world not as it is but as we are!"

If you like, check out the Craigjennings website and see if you'd like one. You have only to ask.


Private Reply to Craig Jennings

Sep 17, 2007 6:28 amre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#


Narayana Murthy of Infosys. A man of Vision, Truth and Success.


Private Reply to ANAND V B

Oct 24, 2007 1:55 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Teri Ann Di Giovanna (Coleman)
Vickie Milazzo. From hospital RN "comes with the room," to multimillionare.

Just read the other day that around the first 100 years of the first (A.D.) century people were "selling" wisdom, astrological readings, healings, etc. and the book mentions them as industrious entrepreneurs! hmmmmm.

Private Reply to Teri Ann Di Giovanna (Coleman)

Oct 24, 2007 10:13 pmre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Lajon Webb
1. Randy Gage - http://www.randygage.com/
2. Dani Johnson - http://www.danijohnson.com/
3. Ellie Drake - http://www.elliedrake.com/
4. Eric Worre
5. Randy Schroeder

Have an AWESOME day and May God richly bless you!
Stop Migraines in (5) Easy Steps - http://www.gettheinfonow.com/
Lajon Webb - (707) 416-8558 - Fairfield, California U.S.A.

Private Reply to Lajon Webb

Dec 14, 2007 3:43 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Marlo T.
Hard to name 1, can I get away with naming 2?

Walt Disney. He overcame many odds. He went through bankruptcy more than once, a nervous breakdown more than once, ridicule of family members, etc, etc, etc., to build an empire that people still adore to this day.

My mentor Chad Schapiro. You may not have heard of him yet, but I have no doubt that you will! He's an incredible person with the most compassionate heart!

Private Reply to Marlo T.

Dec 14, 2007 4:05 amre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Marlo T.
I want to clarify with Walt Disney that it was his tenacity that admire.

As you all may know, nobody's perfect - including those that inspire us. Sure, Walt Disney had personal flaws, but I believe his tenacity is something worthy of notice.

Private Reply to Marlo T.

Dec 14, 2007 6:52 amre: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Ravi Singh
Hi Everyone,

I am really enlightened with this thread.

Well, One of persons I am impressed with Lee Icocca (Chrysler STORY).Can we rate his deed of bringing Chrysler back to business ..just a managerial deed or was it some form of entreprenuership involved?

Cheers !


Private Reply to Ravi Singh

Dec 14, 2007 11:33 amre: re: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Marilyn Jenett

I can't believe no one has mentioned...

Thomas Edison
Henry Ford
The Wright Brothers

(just to name a few)

But just contemplate for a moment the state of the world before them :-)


Marilyn Jenett, Founder and Mentor, the Feel Free to Prosper Program
Website: http://www.FeelFreetoProsper.com
Ryze Network: http://prosper-network.ryze.com
Programs and Products: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Dec 14, 2007 2:14 pmre: re: re: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Marlo T.
Marilyn, I think there are just so many people who have done some amazing things throughout history. I think it's an inexhaustive list of entrepreurs and business people out there that have made contributions.

Private Reply to Marlo T.

Dec 14, 2007 10:11 pmre: re: re: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

John Arthur

Yes Marilyn,
I have contemplated for a moment the state of the world before them "The pioneers in their area of endeavour that mushroomed and blossomed into what was just a figment of our imagination at that time. No one should be afraid of their own capacity to think positively and progressively.

The human intellect with both real and artificial intelligence is still in it's infancy.

We all are capable of attaining the success we strive for and more. Just look around Ryze The human resources are great, let's pool them and change the 'some' to the 'sum'.

I am inspired also by everyone here.

John Arthur

Private Reply to John Arthur

Dec 15, 2007 1:29 amre: re: re: re: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Marilyn Jenett

Yes, John...a hundred years from now, they may be contemplating the state of the world before US :-)


Join us for the teleclass, "The Metaphysical Meaning of Christmas and Your Prosperity Consciousness. You set your own price with a love offering...

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Dec 15, 2007 1:58 amAn Entrepreneur that inspires you#

Scott Wolpow
Any business owner that still is motivated regardless of how the day ends.

Scott Wolpow Raise $10K 4 MS http://msnyc.kintera.org/msbiketour/scottwolpow

Private Reply to Scott Wolpow

Dec 15, 2007 11:44 pmre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Drew Poland
Yeah, but he wasn't that smart at playing his cards right. He bailed before KFC made it huge and everyone made fat money. Then tried to sue the parent company of KFC for using his image on products he didnt endorse, only to lose. Oops!

Entrepreneur that inspire me:

Elon Musk!

Elon was just named entrepreneur of the year in Inc Magazine. He is trying to launch into space for a fraction of the current market cost AND is building cars.. Tesla Motors. 100% electric cars, 0-60 in under 4 secs, 245 Miles per charge (tank on a gas car). For comparison the new 2008 600HP Dodge Viper is boasting the same 0 to 60 time. You will not get 245mph out of a viper. That said, I'm sure top speed the viper will lift off the ground and fly over NYC in comparison to the tesla roadster.

The viper starts at 85k, the Tesla at 98k.

This guy is wild. He also founded paypal.

Private Reply to Drew Poland

Dec 16, 2007 2:31 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you#

Marilyn Jenett

"Any business owner that still is motivated regardless of how the day ends."

Brilliant, Scott W!


I am now offering single private mentoring sessions with no monthly commitment.
Contact me for more information.

Marilyn Jenett, Founder and Mentor, the Feel Free to Prosper Program
Website: http://www.FeelFreetoProsper.com
Ryze Network: http://prosper-network.ryze.com
Programs and Products: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Dec 23, 2007 8:17 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you#

Russ Howard
Has anyone thought about the biggest Entrepreneur of them all? I don't like some of his methods, but I love his drive and determination. How about Bill Gates?

Or how about J.C.R. Licklider and DARPA? Without them, there would be no internet.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies, Inc. - Fort Worth, Texas

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Feb 18, 2008 11:09 amre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you#

Chris Wolfeagle

Mary Jo Duszak, aka FreedomsPromise

She is focused and has true vision and knows where she is going.

Her life history is fascinating and her whole life is!

She truly gets it and she truly has it.  I trust her

completely because of her integrity and values.


Kathy Coover, V.P. of Isagenix International.

This woman is value focused, purpose driven

and dreams big.  She knows where the company

is going and began her career in the industry

as an associate.  She is the real McCoy.

My daughter, Cindy who stepped out of corporate

and took a loan to start her own business as

a hair artist and is doing it successfully.


http://www.wolfeagle.isagenix.com http://www.Lose7-15lbs-9days.com
http://www.sendoutcards.com/5716 http://www.FreeMoms.com/workathome

Private Reply to Chris Wolfeagle

Apr 01, 2008 1:32 pmAn Entrepreneur that inspires you#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com
With more than 13,000 views and I know they cant all be me and Marilyn, I recommend the ENTREPRENEUR Marilyn.
After being on Ryze for 4 years I am fully appreciating Marilyn's advice.
I like it! :)
After reading her memoirs written for her students to learn from her real life experiences and not some book of fluff!
I printed ALL 130+ pages from the following post on her Ryze network:
It is a lot of megabytes!!
It is her book.
It will be a book, but the book came after she used her network to record her experiences in a 20 year+ career in the event and locations business.
Be inspired and appreciate her teaching and tips, I DO.
Kindest regards,
Put your best face forward!

* SKYPE ID: Paul.Steven.Photography.llc "Put Your BEST Face Forward!"
"Live Where The Sun Spends The Winter On The Beaches Of The World!"
* http://paulstevenphotography.com/ "Pictures Are Forever!"
* http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=924302&confid=3359 XXTRA-ORDINARY!

Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

May 18, 2008 3:18 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Mark A Taylor
Hi Mike,

As much as I'm impressed with some of the 'big' names in entrepreneurship - both from modern and classical sources - I can't help feeling more inspired by those that have overcome adversity or some kind of limitation to achieve business success.

I also admire people that have done something really simple and effective, so that you think 'why hasn't this been done before'.

The following link is to a website from Fraser Doherty, who has revolutionised Jam (Jelly) in the UK and is not yet twenty:


I was at a seminar he presented recently and was impressed by his candour, modesty and entrepreneurial flair. He was on the very popular TV show Great British Menu this week, being consulted by a world class chef. That was inspiring for me.

Best wishes,


Private Reply to Mark A Taylor

May 21, 2008 4:28 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Debbie Elicksen
Sam Walton -- he was a genius. Who couldn't learn from how he took a small five and dime store and turned it into the biggest company in the world?

Private Reply to Debbie Elicksen

May 23, 2008 7:31 amre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

jaya ragoowansi
hello kathleen, so i read the site of laura moore, clark and richard branson.it is really inspriational!!!!!!!!!!
please have a look at my profile if it appeals to you we can extend hands of friendship.hope to hear from you and your mail.thanks

Private Reply to jaya ragoowansi

Jun 10, 2008 12:59 pmAn Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

I read a book called Leadership is an Art by Max Depree.
Very good read and refresher and innovator.
More on Max here.
Kindest regards,
Put your best FACE forward!

"Put Your BEST Face Forward!"
"Live Where The Sun Spends The Winter On The Beaches Of The World!"
* http://paulstevenphotography.com/ "Pictures Are Forever!"

Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Nov 18, 2008 12:07 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Walter Paul Bebirian
John D. Rockefeller


Private Reply to Walter Paul Bebirian

Dec 05, 2008 4:31 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Mark Fuller
Darnell Self and Donald Trump.

Mark Fuller, ITRMS
Pre-Paid Legal Services

Private Reply to Mark Fuller

Dec 10, 2008 4:01 amre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Srinivasan Iyer
The entrepreneurs I admire:

Narayanamoorthy of Infosys for ethics, corporate governance & corporate social responsibilty

Dhirubhai Ambani of REliance Industries. He showed how a common man can achieve success.

Ratan Tata - the name inspires Trust

Srinivasan Iyer
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Private Reply to Srinivasan Iyer

Dec 11, 2008 2:29 amre: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Pete Hollier
Richard Branson

Read his biography a while back someone like Richard Branson is the definition of an entrepreneur

Private Reply to Pete Hollier

Dec 11, 2008 6:54 pmAn Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Thx. Richard's bio:


Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Jan 26, 2009 7:35 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Tonya Pope
That's too easy a question for me -- Walt Disney -- hands down. I respect and admire everything about him, the good, the bad and the ugly. He wasn't just a creative genius, he studied the numbers as well. He not only changed industry, he invented new ones.

Private Reply to Tonya Pope

Feb 12, 2009 10:03 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Kim Hutchinson
Just one? It has to be Steve Jobs, hands down. He's done more to remake the world—how we work, talk to each other, and even think—than any other human being in history.

And he did it all by understanding that we had to adapt the machine to human needs, not the human to machine needs. That's genius.

If it weren't for him making computers "friendly" enough for the average person to use, we might not be talking to each other this right now. And don't get me started on the iPhone!

Private Reply to Kim Hutchinson

Feb 13, 2009 12:16 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Mirdza Hayden
Chalene Johnson, the author of Turbo Jam.

Helping people get fit, healthy and energetic in 2009

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Feb 13, 2009 5:17 pmre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Amit Abhyankar
-Dhirubhai Ambani- the man who brought around the Share-market revolution in India. His comapny Reliance today practically rules India in whichever field you can imagine.

-Dr. Verghese Kurien- The man who brought around the Milk Revoultion in India.

-Narayan Murthy of Infosys.

-D.S. Kulkarni: A boy from a small town in India (Pune) who used to clean telephones for a living today heads a group of companies by his own name and has carved a niche in the housing, automobile, hospitality and IT sector.

and many more...

Private Reply to Amit Abhyankar

Feb 13, 2009 8:16 pmre: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Mohammed Abdul Majeed
Steve Jobs

Best think I like about him is his "Never say Die" attitude and the way he came back in business and still ruling the world.

Private Reply to Mohammed Abdul Majeed

Jun 19, 2009 12:38 pm2nd/An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

i also admire this Entrepreneur..



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Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Jul 10, 2009 1:27 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Victor Ghebre
Hello everyone,

I would have to say one the many entrepreneurs that inspires me is Howard Schultz, the founder and CEO of Starbucks.

Victor Ghebre

Private Reply to Victor Ghebre

Aug 09, 2009 1:24 amre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Shivram Ravi
Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata (R.D. Tata) was a Parsi businessman who played a pivotal role in the growth of the Tata group in India. He was a first cousin of Jamshedji Tata, a pioneering industrialist of India and the Founder of Tata Sons. He was one of the partners in Tata Sons founded by Jamshedji Tata. Ratanji is the father of JRD Tata.

Ratanji was born in Navsari in Gujrat in the year 1856. He studied at the He then joined his family trade in the Far East.
Tata Steel was conceived and commissioned by Jamshedji Tata. However, Jamshedji died before the completion of the project. Ratanji played an important role in the completion of the Tata Steel Project along with Jameshdji's son Dorab and thus Tata Steel was established in Jamshedpur.
The Tatas supplied steel to the British during the First World War and thus played an important role in the war effort. Today TATA has produced the cost effective car NANO in the World just for USD $2500.00 and has over eighty different companies for products and services. My Grand father K S Hari Babu worked for them for 35 years!!!

Ravi Shivram

Private Reply to Shivram Ravi

Aug 09, 2009 2:12 amre: re: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Rene Remington

I am inspired by Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian, a Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon. I only recently got to know him through another wonderful entrepreneur Dr. Ron Niche Prof. I think what inspires me most is

The Dr. Mani Children Heart Foundation

"He's all about results... $135,117 raised.
52 children heart operations sponsored. Over 739
donors contributed between 5 and 15,000 dollars.
Help if you can give a little bit goes to save a
child's life.

GIVE you will help a child live


His second area of expertise is Infopreneur. His new
book being released

He recently finish his book "Think, Write & Retire!"


Or check it out on Amazon

My recent interview with Dr. Mani

= = = = INTERVIEW WITH DR.MANI = = = = =

1. What is the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to complete your book?

By nature, I'm a 'fast mover'. My information product creation typically takes a few hours to a few days, rarely longer. So sitting down to write my first print book,

"Think, Write & Retire" was quite a different experience.

Though it is essentially the same as creating any other kind of info-product, putting out a physical printed book has some unique steps and phases that make it a more
elaborate and time-consuming process. My biggest challenge was to stay focused on getting it done, and finding other people to help in areas I was not experienced with.

Fortunately, through my network of friends and by the collaboration that's now possible instantly on Twitter, I was able to breeze through these steps quite rapidly -
though the duration from start to end was still over six months!

2. How long did it take you to get into a profitable situation.

In my infopreneur business, overall, I got profitable very soon because the cost involved in creating a digital product and selling it on the Web is very low.
My very first ebook was a specialty guide in my area of medical expertise. It was written because there already existed a need for this kind of work. So selling it
became merely an issue of letting people know that it was available - and after that, word of mouth took care of the rest! That's the best way to be an Internet infopreneur.

After gaining significant experience as an infopreneur, I then entered a new niche in teaching this process to others - and again, it wasn't very difficult to be profitable
because it was obvious that information I was sharing had value and was based on experience and expertise.
That's one reason to pick the niche you want to enter carefully. In "Think, Write & Retire", I take two full chapters to go deep into the steps in researching and finding a suitable niche for you to explore as an infopreneur.

3. What the shortest route to successful marketing ... I've been at this a while

There are many ways to answer this question, but I'll choose this:

The shortest route to successful marketing is picking a proven method - and then sticking with it, practicing it consistently, and steadily getting better at it.

The sheer variety of choice available out there is mind-boggling. You have so many different models to earn a living on the Internet. There are so many ways to market
your online business today. And all of them work!
What's hard is to get it to work for you - if you're the restless type who flits from one technique to the other in search of a 'quick hit'.

Personally, my preference has been for email marketing and joint venture deal making as major marketing tactics. I've used both for many years, and constantly keep refining and improving my technique.

For this launch of "Think, Write & Retire!", I'm relying almost completely on the reach of my joint venture partners (there are more than 35 of them helping) and my own
in-house email list of several thousand passionate information marketers.

So the shortest route to success (in my opinion) is mastering a few key techniques, instead of curiously dabbling in a wide array of them

= = = = =

Dr.Mani's new book, "Think, Write & RETIRE!" shows how to turn words into wealth as an Internet Infopreneur. It doesn't matter if you're a retiree or a researcher, a
house-wife or a heart surgeon, a student or a sales-person. You can turn your expertise into cash in the bank - as an infopreneur!

Order your copy today and win over $500 in gifts, bonuses and free goodies.

Based on my experiences thus far, his head and heart are in the right place.

Warm Regards,
Rene Remington


Private Reply to Rene Remington

Oct 20, 2009 2:23 pmAn Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Two of my favorites:



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Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

Oct 22, 2009 8:18 amre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

C.S.Chandrasekkar (c.s.chandrasekkar@gmail.com)
I feel that I get inspired in bits and pieces of someone's actions, someone's success rather than being inspired by that SOMEONE as a whole.

Even a street hawker who has a distinctive and unique, innovative way of attracting his customers, would inspire me.

I take that as a lesson, rather than just inspiration. In that case, there are a lot of people, some of whom are listed here, many not listed over here, and many more who might not be listed anywhere.

But then, to name just at least one of them, I think of the creator of the first WEB SITE of the world - Tim Berners Lee!


Private Reply to C.S.Chandrasekkar (c.s.chandrasekkar@gmail.com)

Nov 19, 2009 11:20 pmre: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Connie Clark
My favorite and most inspirational entrepreneur would be Steven K. Scott.

I've met him personally and heard him speak. He shares from his heart and really loves people. AND he knows what he is doing. I've learned so much from him.

Connie Clark

Private Reply to Connie Clark

Apr 06, 2022 11:54 amre: re: An Entrepreneur that inspires you - Name 1#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

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Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

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