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Entrepreneurs - Early bird and Entrepreneurs
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What does it take to be an entrepreneur?Views: 1097
Dec 04, 2008 3:02 amWhat does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Clive Wright
I'm doing some research prior to giving a talk to prospective entrepreneurs in Singapore, and I would like your views on the attributes an entrepreneur needs to succeed.

Please post your top THREE attributes. You can also comment on other people's choices.

To get the discussion started, here are my three (in no particular order):

1) Passion for the product or service
2) Flexibility
3) Determination to succeed

Private Reply to Clive Wright

Dec 04, 2008 10:01 amre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Srinivasan Iyer
Desire to be your own boss
Desire to excel in whatever one does
A clear gameplan to fulfil the above desires

Private Reply to Srinivasan Iyer

Dec 04, 2008 4:09 pmre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

James Possible
Hi Clive,

Passion without commitment is nothing more than a wanting.
Commitment is huge, still, it's more a question of committed to what?

1. Mindset -
I like to call it perspective, some call it attitude, mindset seems to be most common.

It is here that opportunity is born for the entrepreneur. He or she will either recognize the possibility or they won't. What they see or perceive to be will then give birth to the choices that are immediately available.

Action either happens or not because of ones mindset!

2. Purpose -

In the end if the entrepreneur cannot clearly understand "what is most important" regarding the success of their business their choices will have not have synergy and their results will be diluted.

3. Action -

Being perfect is not as important as taking action. As Nike says "Just Do It!"

4. Relationships -

Life and business are about relationships. If you are not in relationship with others, yourself, your actions and your results...busines and life will be challenging.

5. Awareness -

Truly for any of these attributes to matter or to provide value to the entrepreneur there must exist an awareness. An ability to be the observer both in their business and their life.

Best of luck!


Private Reply to James Possible

Dec 04, 2008 4:45 pmWhat does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Mike Fesler BizHarmony
Top three attributes:

1. Vision
2. Determination
3. Passion


Private Reply to Mike Fesler BizHarmony

Dec 04, 2008 6:12 pmre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

John Snyder
You are all on the right track but the top attribute is: BELIEF:
1)-Belief in Yourself
2)-Belief in Product or Service
3)-Belief in what you are doing is Right.
John Snyder
Prof Wordsearch

Private Reply to John Snyder

Dec 04, 2008 6:13 pmre: What does it take to be a SUCCESFUL entrepreneur?#

Reg Charie
Being a successful entrepreneur depends on:

1) Research and Planning
2) A good product, ideally in a niche market.
3) Determination

There are so many products that *seem* to be ideal but suffer from manufacturer induced limitations.

In the case of MLM, many of the products include replicated websites that are impossible to market correctly due to their structure. (In frames).

Some manufacturers forbid affiliates from using any other means of marketing online other than using supplied sites.
If this is the case, then online marketing time and costs go way up as your link building campaign will have to be huge.

Try to pick something to sell that is in a nice market or modify your service to fit said niche.
My FantasticMachines graphic filters fit into this area and have been selling well for over 10 years.

Don't give up.
As a web designer and online marketer I see way too many folks give up when their efforts do not produce immediate results.

Make a PLAN and stick to it.
Do a business plan AND a marketing plan.

Reg - NEW!! PaintEngine Filter & stand alone shell http://FantasticMachines.com
All You Need is Dotcom-Productions and a Dream. http://dotcom-productions.com
0Grief http://0grief.com/special_hosting_accounts_for_my_ryze_friends.htm
CRELoaded websites http://RegCharie.com

Private Reply to Reg Charie

Dec 04, 2008 6:27 pmre: re: What does it take to be a SUCCESFUL entrepreneur?#

John Snyder
You also need Persistance to see your plans through. It will not happen overnight so you need to have the Gonads and Intestinal Fortitude to "Hang In There"!
John Snyder
Prof Wordsearch

Private Reply to John Snyder

Dec 04, 2008 6:38 pmRe: What does it take to be a SUCCESFUL entrepreneur?#

Teddy Towncrier

Remove everything from your life that detracts from your goal. (Might include some friends & family).

and .... Don't let anybody pee on your dream.

If your dream is big enough ..... The facts don't count.


Teddy Towncrier CPP Towncrier-Media.com Supercharging Your Visions.


Speak with me here    Click Here for My Twitter

Private Reply to Teddy Towncrier

Dec 04, 2008 9:13 pmre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

1 Persistence
2 Perseverance
3 Patience

All cousins from the same family tree. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day. Stay the course for growth. Keep on keeping on day in and day out. Take care and God bless.

Gazelle Simmons, Virtual Asst/Owner of Admin Services, http://www.admnsrvcs.com
A Great Christmas Present - http://gazelle.simmons.googlepages.com/twdnkpreview
Satisfied Customer and Marketing Executive, http://www.melaleuca.com

Private Reply to gazellems

Dec 04, 2008 9:44 pmre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Charlie Brown

Entrepreneur: One that initiates and assumes the financial risks of a new enterprise and who undertakes its management.

1) A Dream
2) Mentor/Team
3) Product/Service making it a win-win situation for all.

A Plan, System, Direction, Infrastructure, Methodology, Implementation and the Resources to achieve your goal.

Commitment to make it happen!!!

Exit strategy...

Private Reply to Charlie Brown

Dec 04, 2008 10:40 pmre: re: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

James Possible
Charlie I love how you shared "Exit strategy..."

Absolutely a "Mentor/Coach/Team" are critical!

Private Reply to James Possible

Dec 05, 2008 5:01 amre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Sabrina Walker
2 Determination
3 Consistancy
Never give up, and never tell your dreams to the trolls.
Win a 16 oz Mia Bella Gourmet Candle!

Private Reply to Sabrina Walker

Dec 05, 2008 3:58 pmWhat does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Mike Fesler BizHarmony
An angel suddenly appears at a faculty meeting and tells the dean of the college that, in return for his unselfish and exemplary behavior, he will be given his choice of infinite wealth, wisdom or beauty. Without hesitating, the dean selects infinite wisdom.

"Done!" says the angel and disappears in a cloud of smoke and a bolt of lightning.

Now, all heads turn toward the dean, who sits surrounded by a faint halo of light. At length, one of his colleagues whispers, "Say something wise."

The dean looks at them and says, "I should have taken the money."

Be careful what you wish for. . . ;-)


Private Reply to Mike Fesler BizHarmony

Dec 05, 2008 4:10 pmre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

John Snyder
Increase Your Income 1000%
By: Brian Tracy

Here's an exercise for you; imagine that it's possible for you to earn 10 times your current annual wage. If you're earning $25,000, imagine for a moment that it's possible for you to earn $250,000, a 1,000 percent increase.

Believe in Yourself
The first reaction of most people to that exercise is to smile briefly and then to begin thinking about why it isn't possible. One man said to me, "If you knew how many years it's taken for me to get to what I'm earning today you wouldn't be suggesting that I could earn 10 times as much."

There Are No Excuses
Mark Twain once wrote that there are a thousand excuses for every failure but never a good reason. The tragedy of the average American is that whereas his or her main preoccupation seems to be money, or the lack thereof, the average person has the inherent potential to earn far more than he or she is earning currently.
Submitted By:
John Snyder
Prof Wordsearch

Private Reply to John Snyder

Dec 05, 2008 7:23 pmre: re: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Mark Fuller
mark: The first reaction of most people to that exercise is to smile briefly and then to begin thinking about why it isn't possible.

John: I agree because they don't think there is a way to generate that amount of income even if you start your ownn business.

Mark Fuller, ITRMS
Pre-Paid Legal Services

Private Reply to Mark Fuller

Dec 10, 2008 3:51 amre: re: re: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Srinivasan Iyer
Mark, John

If you become an entrepreneur with the sole aim of making money, then all your decisions will be governed by profitability. Profitability is important but growth should not take a backseat.

I can share from my own experience of 16 years. My qualification to make this comment - a clientele of 400 leading companies of India.

Private Reply to Srinivasan Iyer

Feb 21, 2009 2:50 amre: What does it REALLY take to be an entrepreneur?#

Paula Horlick
I have something to ad

Don't let anyone tell you you can't!

Paula M Horlick
The Vintage Scarf
Vintage Scarves And Accessories

Private Reply to Paula Horlick

Feb 23, 2009 8:08 amre: re: What does it REALLY take to be an entrepreneur?#

Amit Karia
1. Passion - enough to have the
2. Guts/ determination - to see your project through even if it seems
3. irrational to others-to against the tide no matter what.

In short - to put your money or whatever you have or lack of it for whatever you believe in no matter what.

Private Reply to Amit Karia

Mar 07, 2009 5:40 pmre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#


Good question!

Here are three thought provoking answers(questions);

1. Strength -- this is the place where your passions are stored.

2. Fear -- The knowledge and respect that the potential to fail exists.

3. The ability to answer to yourself, honestly, 1 question; If this does not work, what is my back-up plan?

Private Reply to Wavemanone

Mar 09, 2009 11:51 amre: re: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Aalap Sharma
1. Hope
2. Optimism
3. Positive Thinking/Attitude

Humans cannot survive even 1 second without hope :)

We are optimistic about living another day, and that is why we make plans...

We start a business/idea not just for today, but forever and if we strongly and Explicitly believe this, the business/idea will successfully run forever...

Cheers :)

Private Reply to Aalap Sharma

Mar 09, 2009 12:50 pmre: re: re: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

John Snyder
If you think you can do it, or you think you can't do it, You are Right. There is no such thing as try, only Do!

Private Reply to John Snyder

Mar 09, 2009 4:12 pmre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Steve Beaman
It takes the following to really succeed as an entrepreneur.

1) Dream BIG - Persistently pursue your dream
2) Passion to see the goal & to see it as already acheived
3) Create a plan of how you will reach your goal/dream
4) Seek out others who have already acheived a similar goal
5) Find a mentor or wise counselor
6) Be open to changes & able to move quickly
7) Help others get what they want & you will get what you want
8) Show genuine interest in others needs (put them 1st)
9) Be open to constructive criticism
10) JUST DO IT !!

No Plan then No Direction
Know Plan then Know Destination !!



Private Reply to Steve Beaman

Mar 29, 2009 3:12 pmre: What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Randy Carper
I came across this post and I want to share it with you:

It's so true I had to re-post it here

1. “I like my life structured with clear decisions.” Entrepreneurs do not function well in structured organizations and do not like someone having authority over them. Most believe they can do the job better than anyone else and will strive for maximum responsibility and accountability.

2. “Handling problems causes me stress and pressure.” Entrepreneurs are comfortable in stress situations, and are challenged rather than discouraged by setbacks. They may actually be uncomfortable when things are going well, and are not troubled by ambiguity and uncertainty because they are used to solving problems.

3. “My job is fun when everyone knows and does their job.” The best entrepreneurs enjoy the challenge of an undefined role, and enjoy the learning process as much as success. It’s even better when they can inspire and energize others to do things that have never been done before.

4. “I like to put my mistakes behind me and never think about them again.” Entrepreneurs accept things as they are and deal with them accordingly. They are quick to learn from their failures. They may or may not be idealistic, but they are seldom unrealistic. They want to know the status of a given situation at all times.

5. “Balance and family are necessary in my life.” Entrepreneurs may devote a disproportionate time to the business. During tough business periods, they will concentrate their energies on business operations, and may stay on the job for extended periods of time. Even at home or at social events, the business is always top of mind.

6. “It didn’t get done today, but there’s always tomorrow.” Entrepreneurs have a never-ending sense of urgency to develop their ideas. Inactivity makes them impatient, tense, and uneasy. They have drive and high energy levels, they are achievement-oriented, and they are tireless in the pursuit of their goals.

7. “That’s not my job.” Successful entrepreneurs can comprehend complex situations that may include planning, making strategic decisions, and working on multiple business ideas simultaneously. They are farsighted and aware of important details, and they will continuously review all possibilities to achieve their business objectives.

8. “I love to get awards for my efforts.” Entrepreneurs find satisfaction in symbols of success that are external to themselves. They like the business they have built to be praised, but they are often embarrassed by praise directed at them personally.

9. “I get frustrated when things don’t work.” Entrepreneurs have a "never, never, never quit" attitude. They are self-confident when they are in control of what they're doing and working alone. Most are at their best in the face of adversity, since they thrive on their own self-confidence.

10. “Risk and uncertainty cause me to lose too much sleep.” Some of the best entrepreneurs talk about the highs they get from taking a big risk, and the euphoria they feel when they beat the odds. They live for these feelings.

Private Reply to Randy Carper

Oct 28, 2023 9:10 pm What does it take to be an entrepreneur?#

Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

defintely not fear

it takes dreams

it takes intense desire

your thoughts?

fav book for entrepreneurs: think and grow rich by dr napolean hill

who here reads it still and everyday?

you past the 10th time reading it and now its easier to read the whole book over 1 cup of coffee to start your day...

Private Reply to Paul Finkelstein Early bird Entrepreneur - omgtalk.com

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