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Entrepreneurs - Early bird and Entrepreneurs Post New Topic | | Topics
Fit Entrepreneurs - other networks do this - but this is for us Entrepreneurs!!!Views: 318
Oct 05, 2009 1:07 pm re: Fit Entrepreneurs - other networks do this - but this is for us Entrepreneurs!!!

Ann Rogers
Hi Paul,

I'm also an advocate of staying fit. I wish I had more time for more exercising! I work from home, which tends to keep me in front of the computer for very long periods of time throughout the day. Shoulder, neck, and backaches were the results! Here's how I now combat all that in short spurts.

1. A couple of times a day I go upstairs/downstairs 8 consecutive times. (This takes only about 3 minutes each time but really gets the heart pounding and blood pumping.)

2. Take a couple of minutes to lift 5 lb weights (I'm a weakling) doing approximately 3 repetitions of multiple moves. (This also takes about 5 minutes.)

3. I do cheater's push-ups. I stand back from my desk, reach to the edge of the desk, keeping heels on the floor, and then do the push-ups as many times as I can.

4. Around mid-afternoon I try to get outside for at least a 2-mile walk if time and weather allows.

Just these few things throughout the day really, really help a lot and don't cut into the productivity. In fact, I think they all help a lot to prevent fatigue.

Stay fit, stay well!


Private Reply to Ann Rogers (new win)

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