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Entrepreneurs - Early bird and Entrepreneurs Post New Topic | | Topics
Welcome!!Views: 455
Dec 29, 2008 9:08 pm My introduction message!

Brenda Cadman
Hello all! :)

I am brand new to the world of Ryze - I already do a fair bit of face to face networking (BNI, etc), am extremely well versed in the world of Facebook, and slowly but surely improving my Twitter abilities, but wanted to check out some other, more business focused social networking sites.

So here I am! :) On to my intro...

1/ Write a little bit about yourself, in addition to what's currently available on your profile.

Live and work in beautiful Vancouver BC, home of the 2010 Winter Olympics! Have a degree in psychology and an extensive background in office administration. Left my last "real job" in 2004 and have been living and loving the life of an entrepreneur since then.

2/ Write more about what venture you're currently involved in, or what venture you'd like to work on.

Current venture:

I am co-owner of two companies based in Vancouver: Syntric Design, focusing on website development and October 17 Media, which helps businesses ensure their websites are actually FOUND on the web. You know, search engine marketing and optimization, website analytics, email marketing... all that fun stuff. :)

What we want to work on:

We still absolutely love the web design side of things but we're planning to focus most of our attention on Oct 17 in the coming months. So far so good - with the recent economic downturn, many businesses seem to be focusing more of their marketing budgets in the online realm instead of more traditional forms like print advertising. Now to find ways to capitalize on this opportunity!

3/ Share with others one lesson you've learned from being an entrepreneur.

Aim high and never be afraid to ask for what you want. Some of the best opportunities we've had as business owners has come as a result of approaching someone and simply asking. The worst they can say is No, right?

Looking forward to making some connections with you fine people! And I welcome suggestions from anyone on how to utilize Ryze in the best way possible - still getting my bearings and trying to figure out my way around. :)




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