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Entrepreneurs - Early bird and Entrepreneurs Post New Topic | | Topics
Fit Entrepreneurs - other networks do this - but this is for us Entrepreneurs!!!Views: 411
Dec 08, 2008 3:55 am re: Fit Entrepreneurs - how is your training or exercies or fitness coming????

John Stephen Veitch
Hello Paul

I guess your marathon is just about to happen. I hope the training was injury free. I read what you wrote in April and I wondered if you weren't training too much.

Paul doesn't need to know this I'm sure, but for the rest of you.

Jogging is good exercise. Start slowly, mix running and walking. Run to the next target, a telegraph pole or the corner of something you can see. Walk until you breathing recovers: repeat. Use the total time to control how far you go each day.

Work a hard easy programme, long runs one day, short sprints and about half the time the next day. Don't forget to stretch before and after each session. You want your flexibility to increase not decrease as you get fitter.

If you are new to this, probably about 2-3 miles you'll come up against the first plateau, where you don't seem to improve even though you continue to train. This might last a month or three, but don't give up. You are re-engineering all your internal plumbing to cope with the increased exercise load. All your blood vessels, your lungs, your heart need to renew themselves for the new levels of exercise you are doing. It takes time. When that work is DONE suddenly exercise will become much easier. Running a LONG distance won't seem to be a problem any more.

If you use this process to get fit enough to run 6 miles on a regular basis, that's a good level of fitness to maintain. From there you can lift to running a marathon in three months without much trouble thought might like to try a couple of half marathons first.


John Stephen Veitch
Open Future Limited - http://www.openfuture.biz/
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